Robert Bamler
I am a Professor of Data Science and Machine Learning at University of
Tübingen, Germany, and a member of the Cluster
of Excellence "Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science" and Tübingen AI Center.
My group performs research on scalable approximate Bayesian inference methods (especially variational methods) and on deep probabilistic models, with applications to neural data compression and natural sciences. Our research is at the intersection of probabilistic models, efficient inference algorithms, and novel powerful approximation techniques. The latter are often inspired by ideas from natural sciences due to my personal background in statistical physics.
Find out more about my group at our group website.
I joined University of Tübingen and the Cluster of Excellence for Machine Learning in November 2020. Before this, I was a postdoctoral scholar in the statistical machine learning group of UC Irvine lead by Stephan Mandt, and before that I was a machine learning researcher at Disney Research in Pittsburgh and Los Angeles. I received my PhD in theoretical statistical and quantum physics from University of Cologne in 2016, advised by Achim Rosch and with support from German Telekom Foundation.
Machine Learning Publications
Representative publications include improvements to black box variational inference (BBVI) and applications of BBVI to neural data compression, to time series models, and to natural sciences, as well as resource efficient learning algorithms. For more publications, see list below.
Verbalized Machine Learning: Revisiting Machine Learning with Language ModelsTMLR 2025 (accepted)PDF
Your Finetuned Large Language Model is Already a Powerful Out-of-distribution DetectorAISTATS 2025 (accepted)PDF
Balancing Molecular Information and Empirical Data in the Prediction of Physico-Chemical PropertiesDigital Discovery, 2025PDF Journal Website
A Note on Generalization in Variational Autoencoders: How Effective Is Synthetic Data & Overparameterization?TMLR, 2024PDF
FSP-Laplace: Function-Space Priors for the Laplace Approximation in Bayesian Deep LearningNeurIPS 2024PDF
Predictive, scalable and interpretable knowledge tracing on structured domainsICLR 2024PDF
Differentiable Annealed Importance Sampling Minimizes The Jensen-Shannon Divergence Between Initial and Target DistributionICML 2024PDF
A Compact Representation for Bayesian Neural Networks By Removing Permutation SymmetryNeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Unifying Representations in Neural ModelsPDF
The SVHN Dataset Is Deceptive for Probabilistic Generative Models Due to a Distribution MismatchNeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Distribution ShiftsPDF
Resampling Gradients Vanish in Differentiable Sequential Monte Carlo SamplersICLR 2023 (TinyPapers track)PDF
Trading Information between Latents in Hierarchical Variational AutoencodersICLR 2023PDF
Post-Training Neural Network Compression With Variational Bayesian QuantizationNeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Challenges in Deploying and Monitoring Machine Learning SystemsPDF
Making thermodynamic models of mixtures predictive by machine learning: matrix completion of pair interactionsChemical Science 13 (17), 4854-4862PDF
Improving Inference for Neural Image CompressionNeurIPS 2020PDF
User-Dependent Neural Sequence Models for Continuous-Time Event DataNeurIPS 2020PDF
Hybridizing physical and data-driven prediction methods for physicochemical propertiesChemical Communications, 2020PDF Journal Website
Variational Bayesian Quantization(former title: Variable-Bitrate Neural Compression via Bayesian Arithmetic Coding)ICML 2020PDF Vide abstract by Yibo Yang (15 min)
Machine Learning in Thermodynamics: Prediction of Activity Coefficients by Matrix CompletionThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020(11) 981-985PDF Journal website
Extreme Classification via Adversarial Softmax ApproximationICLR 2020PDF Video abstract (5 min.) Slides
Tightening Bounds for Variational Inference by Revisiting Perturbation TheoryJ. Stat. Mech. (2019) 124004PDF Journal website
Augmenting and Tuning Knowledge Graph EmbeddingsUAI 2019PDF Video abstract (1 min.) Slides
Improving Optimization for Models With Continuous Symmetry BreakingICML 2018PDF Related video abstract (4 min.) Slides
Perturbative Black Box Variational InferenceNeurIPS 2017PDF
Bayesian Paragraph VectorsNeurIPS 2017 workshop on Advances in Approximate Bayesian InferencePDF
Dynamic Word EmbeddingsICML 2017PDF Promotional video (3 min.) Conference talk (17 min.)
Physics Publications
Phase-Space Berry Phases in Chiral Magnets: Skyrmion Charge, Hall Effect, and Dynamics of Magnetic SkyrmionsPh.D. thesis, University of Cologne (2016)PDF
Equilibration and approximate conservation laws: Dipole oscillations and perfect drag of ultracold atoms in a harmonic trapPhys. Rev. A 91, 063604 (2015)PDF
Phase-space Berry phases in chiral magnets: Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and the charge of skyrmionsPhys. Rev. B 88, 214409 (2013)PDF
Giant generic topological Hall resistivity of MnSi under pressurePhys. Rev. B 87, 134424 (2013)PDF
Hydrodynamic Object Recognition: When Multipoles CountPhys. Rev. Lett. 102, 058104 (2009)PDF
Talks & Video Abstracts
Below is a selection of talks and video abstracts where either recordings or slides are available.
Scalable Bayesian Inference: New Tools for New Challengesml4science Cluster Colloquium, University of Tübingen, Germany, 2/2021Video recording (50 min.) Slides
Extreme Classification via Adversarial Softmax ApproximationICLR 2020Video abstract (5 min.) Slides Paper (PDF)
Revisiting Variational Expectation MaximizationAI/ML Seminar @ UC Irvine, 2019Slides Related paper 1 (PDF) Related paper 2 (PDF)
Marrying Big Data And Probabilistic Models With Variational InferenceGerman Aerospace Center (DLR), 2019Slides
Augmenting and Tuning Knowledge Graph EmbeddingsUAI 2019Video abstract (1 min.) Slides Paper (PDF)
A Quantum Field Theory of Representation LearningTheoretical Physics for Deep Learning Workshop at ICML 2019Video abstract (4 min.) Slides Workshop paper (PDF) Related paper (PDF)
Dynamic Word EmbeddingsICML 2017Video recording (17 min.) Paper (PDF)